Welcome to Your Functional Health Specialist
The Mission for Better Health
Optimising my health has been a life long journey that never ends. I believe it is important to be proactive and constantly seek further education on how to navigate our health around our forever changing environments. Now more than ever we face environments that challenge the health of humanity, leaving people with health issues the conventional system cannot seem to fix without the prescription of pharmaceuticals that can be detrimental to our physiological and psychological health. With functional testing, we look at biofeedback markers through advanced blood analysis that precisely tells us where someone is experiencing nutrient depletion or dis-ease within the body. With this targeted approach, we are able to optimise the health of individuals by mapping out their pathway to a healthier and happier life.
Patient Review
“Adam, I can’t thank you enough for what you have done for me. I had lost all hope when it came to trying to find answers for my digestive issues. Here I am now, no longer in pain, my bloating is completely gone, my skin is the clearest it’s been in years, I have noticed a huge improvement in my brain fog and fatigue and I’m noticing a lot less anxiety. My husband even commented on how much better I seem. Your time, knowledge and guidance is appreciated more than ever. I’ve been referring so many of my friends and family to you.”
Rachel T
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